
Monday, October 24

Please, say something 2

And again.
It started again.

Sometimes, you might fall in love with the one that you hurt the most,
again and again.

And again, she asked me. If you were given the chance to begin the relationship one more time what would be the prove that you will try

Then, I answered.

If I were given a chance to be with you again:

I would love to resist erasure every moment that i could.I would tell how much you're missing because of that.
I would love to resist erasure every moment that i could.I would just find the ways to convince you that I exist.

And you shouldn't be so hard on us.
Since it's not between you and i.

But it is the matter between the past and the future.

And i just wonder
that i could be your first that hurt you in the past
but started to appreciate you in the future.

That is the last thing i would do before i die.
To be with you.

Because i just realize that you're the one.

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